The CPC program was developed in 2022 for the most engaged residents and community leaders who are highly motivated to use every tool and resource available to them to facilitate positive neighborhood change. Interested community members at all levels of experience may apply for the CPC.
This program is particularly valuable for:
Members of neighborhood groups, associations, or NPUs
Staff and boards of community development organizations/committees
Officers and residents representing neighborhood or community organizations
The CPC offers training to citizen volunteers who are interested in gaining the tools and skills necessary to design and plan their neighborhoods.
Required courses will ensure students learn basic concepts of public land use, zoning, and development and best practices for sustainable community planning.
Students who earn the Citizen Planners Certificate are required to complete classes in four different tracks within two years. Attaining this certificate demonstrates a working knowledge of the basic concepts and skills necessary to guide public participation in the growth and development of Atlanta’s neighborhoods.

Students will hone the skills to develop and implement strategies that will:
Increase capacity to manage neighborhood change
Increase confidence and participation in initiatives shaping their neighborhoods’ future
Promote understanding of housing affordability principles
Strengthen relationships with the business community
Support the development of healthy, mixed-income neighborhoods
Cultivate collaborations that promote and sustain revitalization
Applications are being accepted for enrollment in the Citizen Planners Certificate. (CPC) Please note courses taken in 2022 - 2024 can be applied to new applications.
How to Apply?
Apply to NPU University via the link located here. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. The deadline to apply is July 1. If you have any questions, email the NPU-U registrar at NPU-U@AtlantaGA.gov.
The Citizen Planners Certificate (CPC) program consists of a series of courses that provide the theoretical framework, specialized tools, and technical skills necessary to design and carry out successful neighborhood growth and development. Students who earn the Citizens Planner Certificate are required to complete classes in four different tracks within two years. To enroll, visit www.npuatlanta.org.
*Courses are currently being reviewed for the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) continuing credits. Courses are not currently eligible for certification maintenance.
CPC Requirements
Community Leadership: any three Community Leadership classes or any one Community Leadership class and the Community Leadership Institute
Planning: P1004.001 Zoning Fundamentals I and any three additional Planning classes
Civic Participation: CP1001 The Legislative Process or CP1002 NPU 101: How Does the NPU System Work?, CP1008 Public Meetings and any one additional Civic Participation class
Community Development: CD1004 Introduction to Invest Atlanta and any two additional Community Development classes
Who can enroll in the CPC program?
The CPC program is open to the public. Any Atlanta resident, business owner, and City of Atlanta employee can apply to the program.